“Yeah but I still don’t get the idea of this e-volunteering.” Everyone new to the e-volunteering feels the same about the project of virtual volunteering since we had started working on it. Remembering that, we made a great effort to create as clear definition of it as possible:
E-volunteering – voluntary tasks or work carried out either as a whole or partially via Internet on a computer accessible at home or elsewhere one has access to the Web. Although the work is done in the virtual reality, its results are notable to the real world.

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Employee volunteering

Employee volunteering encompasses unpaid activities undertaken voluntarily by employees willing to help people in need (e.g. NGOs, various institutions and informal groups), commitment to which is supported by their employers (e.g. with financial or material support; a given company can also help its employees by means of giving them a day off, so that they can realize any undertaken voluntary activities).

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