Zakątek21 Association announced on its website the competition for a blog. It invited the following volunteers in a Jury: Dorota Wellman, Michal Zablocki and Maciej Budzich. 12 blogs were presented for the contest. Jurors chose, in their opinion, the 3 most interesting blogs and Internet users voted for their favourite.
Who are the e-volunteers?
E-volunteers are the authors of presented blogs and jurors assess blogs from a professional point of view.
We contacted the authors of the blog through Corner21 forum, as they are also users of this online forum.
We found jurors by e-mail and by inviting them to participate in our project.
How many e-volunteers are involved?
15 e-volunteers, 12 bloggers and 3 jurors are involved in the project.
Whom do they address the project to? Who is the recipient?
Project is addressed to a wide range of Internet users, but particularly to those involved in helping the intellectually impaired.
How do they verify the e-volunteers’ competences before they start the co-operation with them?
The competence of jurors has not been verified, because they are commonly known and respected as professionals. Bloggers have been verified according to the rules of the competition, it was checked if they write an active blog in Polish, accordant with the theme of the competition. The active blog criterion included posting new information at least twice a month for at least a three month period.
How do they ensure the safety and the quality of the e-volunteers’ work?
Blogs were read several times to see if they don’t contain harmful content (eg. pseudo-medical advice)
Name of the organisation: Zakątek 21. Stowarzyszenie rodziców i przyjaciół dzieci z zespołem Downa
Project title: Konkurs na Zakątkowy Blog roku 2012